The Beginning

Hello and welcome to Blackbeard's Blog!

So December 12th 2012 marks the beginning of a new brand and the first DIY Guitar Kit supplier in South Africa.  For a long time I have had the desire to build my very own guitar, but unfortunately for a lot of us, we do not have the resources to shape wood, route channels in the wood etc etc, and from this I coined the idea that someone who does have the ability to do the nitty gritty, should do it in bulk and allow the rest of us to complete the process with only the limited tools we have stored somewhere at home.

Did you ever used to build aeroplanes as a kid (or do you still)? I did, and the process of building a guitar should be much the same - just on a different level entirely - perfection is key, but amendments are possible.

We have studied international suppliers of DIY Guitar Kits and have settled on a supplier that we believe offers the best value for money. Included in these kits is everything you need to build and decorate your very own acoustic, electric or bass guitar.


1 comment

  • Megan: February 11, 2013

    Looove it! Wanna build myself a guitar or 2

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